Guidelines for documentation of the Gnana Dhaara - Programme issued- Rc.21,Dt.1/6/18

Guidelines for documentation of the Gnana Dhaara - Programme issued- Rc.21,Dt.1/6/18
School Education - Gnana Dhaara Summer Residential Remedial Programme from 28.05.2018    to 09.06.2018    -  Guidelines for documentation  of the Programme issued

In view  of  the  ongoing  GNANA  DHAARA  summer  residential  remedial   programme  from
28.05.18   to 09.06.18   in the identified  campuses in  all districts  in AP.  all the District  Educational Officers in the state are requested to come up with an effective documentation of the programme covering all  major events  during the  programme  in  different  venues.  In this connection  certain guidelines  are hereby issued  to follow  a standardized  process to document the conduct of the GNANA DHAARA.

Guidelines for documentation of the Gnana Dhaara - Programme issued- Rc.21,Dt.1/6/18

1.  Quality   of delivery  of the  lessons:

a.  Ensure  to record the quality of classroom delivery  subject wise for classes VI and X in the district. Present best delivery mechanisms undertaken by the teachers in the programme in terms of performance of the activities,  encouraging peer learning,  working  on class works and home works,  impact of the  programme on their learning outcomes etc

2.  Pedagogy adopted  in classrooms:

a. In the event a teacher is adopting any additional innovative pedagogy,  a short video (max  2 mins  30 seconds long ) of the teacher using that pedagogy must be recorded.  and compiled. The file must be saved as <Class>_<Subject>_<TreasurylD>_<Oistrict>.mp4.
b. 2 separate folders must be made by each district, one for class 6 and one for class  10.

3.  Conduct  of co-curricular   activities:

a. Short   videos (  max 30 seconds )  must be recorded  of the co-curricular   activities that are conducted in each Gnana Dhaara campus. The files  must be named as 
b.  All Gnana Dhaara campuses are to conduct multiple  types of co-curricular activities,  not just sports.   Thus,  the videos  from districts  must include  various types of co-curricular   activities. like elocution  competitions,  theater  workshops,  dance and  music   classes,   poetry writing classes.  etc.
For more details.


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